SAN Assembly 2020

SAN Stories

What is the SAN Assembly?

The SAN Assembly is the main gathering of the SAN, proposed to take place annually. It is described in the SAN Strategy as the meeting of the Members’ Council, the highest governing body of the SAN, where high-level decisions, governance reforms, as well as plans, reports and accounts are discussed and approved. It is proposed as a formal body where decisions are made on a non-objection basis, by consensus or, as required, through a full vote.
As importantly, the SAN Assembly is an opportunity for members to learn about the SAN and its aims, for networking and peer exchanges, and an occasion to learn and to seed collaboration across climate and environment fund observer networks.

Session 1: November 19 – Purpose and Vision A Cross-Funds Webinar on Climate and Civil Society in a Post-Covid-19 world
Session 2: November 24 – Strategy and Implementation:A presentation and discussion of the SAN’s proposed impact and approach
Session 3: December 3 – Moving Forward:Focus on governance, organizational and practical steps toward a fully operational SAN in 2021

Who takes part in the SAN Assembly?

The event is open to all members and prospective members of the SAN, defined as current or former active observers in climate and environment funds, or their equivalents, that is, civil society, private sector and indigenous peoples representatives formally involved with representing their constituencies in funds’ decision-making bodies.

The SAN Assembly 2020 took place in tandem with the Election of the SAN’s Coordinating Committee, which saw the SAN effectively representing the arc of constituencies it seeks to engage: civil society, indigenous peoples and private sector observers of major climate funds.
Virtual sessions were followed by online discussions and deliberations on key decisions which inform the direction of the SAN, establishing a strong mandate for the incoming Coordinating Committee and executive team.


SAN Assembly 2020

SAN Stories

SAN Assembly 2020

SAN Stories

SAN Assembly 2020

SAN Stories